Should you really buy insurance based on who has the funniest commercials? Insurance purchases have traditionally based on a fiduciary relationship, trust between the purchaser and buyer. Can you be sure "Jake", Gecco", the pyscho Allstate guy or "Flo", who is thousands of miles away and backed up with 5 calls holding can really give you proper advice?
The answer is clear. Buy your Insurance through a local agent and build a relationship with this person. We get calls all the time from people who buy insurance online then need advice on how to settle their claim. We help them, but we would have appreciated them recognizing the value of a friend in business before they took a loss.
Bauknight Insurance operates two Counties in Florida, Bauknight Insurance, 13041 US Hwy 19, Hudson, FL 34667 (727) 863-5641 and Bauknight Insurance of Hernando 10488 Spring Hill Drive, Spring Hill, Fl 34607 (352-686-0612
Spring Hill Insurance Agency. We have a location in Hudson Florida. With Locations in both Pasco and Hernando Counties, we are a full service, low cost Agency that specializes in Auto Insurance, Home Insurance, Boats, Trucks, Jet Skis, General liability and Bonds. We hope to earn your business.