Real News Real Fast, our local internet news source, posted these pictures the other day of a tornado over Spring Hill, Fl.
Spring Hill is where our office is located. Tornado activity occurs frequently in Florida. In fact, Florida is ranked 4th in all the states for tornado formation, surprisingly beating out Nebraska, Iowa, and Missouri. The only states with more Tornado activity than Florida are Texas, Kansas and Oklahoma.
Even more surprisingly, In August and September, Florida generates tornadoes at the highest rate of ANY state in the nation.
Is your property properly covered for replacement cost? Does your policy cover damage by tornado? What is your deductible?
Let us review your coverage for you by calling us at 352-686-0612.
ISU Bauknight Insurance operates two Counties in Florida, Hudson, FL (727) 863-5641 and ISU Bauknight Insurance, 10488 Spring Hill Drive, Spring Hill, Fl 34607 (352)-686-0612. They also offer coverage throughout Florida on their website or by calling them direct.