Thursday, June 1, 2017

Hurricane season
Hurricane season officially starts today, June 1, 2017
Florida has been relatively lucky over the past ten years in spite of Hurricane Hermine and Hurricane Matthew. In 2016 these two storms caused Floridians to file 130,000 claims totaling almost 800 million dollars.
This year experts are predicting an active season with 11-14 named storms and 4-7 actual hurricanes with two of these storms being category 3 or higher.
All Floridians should be emergency prepared for hurricane season, including stockpiling bottled water, batteries. In addition its important to be properly insured and financially ready to pay deductibles on your policy.
the state of Florida has a financial preparedness tookit to help consumers check their readiness. you can find it here...
ISU Bauknight Insurance operates two Counties in Florida, Hudson, FL (727) 863-5641 and ISU Bauknight Insurance, 10488 Spring Hill Drive, Spring Hill, Fl 34607 (352)-686-0612. They also offer coverage throughout Florida on their website or by calling them direct.